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Oregano Oil:  A Cure for Herpes & HIV

Many have been conditioned to think that if traditional medicine has not found a cure for a disease, (using man-made chemicals) then there is no cure.  Herbalists and naturopaths, however, have challenged this train of thought.  They believe if there is a disease, then there is a cure.


Dr. Cass Ingram, for example, is a nutritional physician who has a B.S. in chemistry and biology from the University of Northern Iowa and a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, IA, who believes in natural cures.  He is the author of many books, including the Cure is in the Cupboard, in which he advocates the use of oregano as a cure for many ailments.


Also, Dr. Sebi, a well renown herbalist, teaches that when ridding the body of mucus, one can completely reverse disease.  This can be done by strictly following his alkaline vegetarian diet and taking the herbal package which he recommends to you.  Prices can be a little expensive $300 and more per month, but it is worth it.


Dr. Sebi’s ex-wife, Maa, likewise advocates the same view as Dr. Sebi.  She offers a free 15-minute consultation, followed by a one-hour consultation for $115.  This fee includes three other consultations in which she advises you to follow a specific dietary plan (as with Dr. Sebi) and use her herbs, which are between $175 and up per month.


In the videos below, from James Destroys Diseases, he suggests a complete dietary change, lasting 6 months to a year, in addition to using oregano oil, to get rid of the virus.  The recommended diet consists of eating only raw fruits and vegetables.  In addition, oregano oil is taken internally and put on the spine where the virus lodges itself.  Some recommend a colon cleanse before undertaking a dietary change, to yield the best results.


There are reports of people trying this diet and then testing negative after having been diagnosed with herpes or AIDS.  See the testimonials.


My humble advice for those who are suffering from an illness, whether it be herpes, HIV, candida, or even cancer is to either consult a naturopath or herbalist (e.g Dr. Sebi).  If finances don’t allow such a consultation, then I recommend that you change your diet for six months to a year.  I don’t think that oregano oil alone will be as effective without eliminating sugar and starches from the diet.  An alkaline vegetarian diet or a raw foods diet would be best.  As for the oregano oil, you can take it use as previously suggested and also add a couple of drops to oregano oil to your bath and to a bucket and soak your feet daily.  In addition to taking the oregano oil, I also recommend olive leaf, as it’s also another wonder cure.   Please note that as you begin to detox the body, you may experience die-off symptoms.  Don’t despair; this is a sign that it’s working.

Disclaimer: Any information related to matters affecting human health on this web site is provided for informational purposes and is the result of research into the medical literature as well as practical experience. No information should be considered as a "substitute for advice provided by your own trusted medical professional", nor is any information intended to "promote diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any disease". You should not use any information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Consult your most trusted health care professional in regard to the personal use, or non-use, of any health-related products or medically related regimens on the Internet or otherwise, especially if you have any existing medical condition or unusual symptoms.





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